Pale moon vanguard luquier
Pale moon vanguard luquier

pale moon vanguard luquier

The distribution numbers themselves look fine to test with, but make sure that you try switching things up every once in a while. Once it's released, Sky High Walker (Stand) will also be a valuable trigger to include.

pale moon vanguard luquier

Poison Juggler (Crit) and Rainbow Magician (Draw) are both triggers that you definitely want to include 4 of, in order to use their effects. Trigger units: It's actually fairly important to distinguish which trigger units you want to use. Other than that, the lineup here looks solid. You're going to use those CB's to pull off cards like Trapezist, MQM, Peek-a-Boo, etc. However, be aware that you'll basically never use his Megablast. He reminds me a lot of CEO Amaterasu, and his effect is even more valuable in this deck than it is in other decks, as Pale Moon has many different ways of using the Soul to your advantage. I'd say that this deck looks like a solid place to start getting used to various strategies and seeing what you like.

Pale moon vanguard luquier